Why should contractors use a CRM? How a CRM For Contractors could help?
Question: What are the benefits of a CRM For Contractors?
Answer: myAnt.org, a CRM for contractors, keeps information organized and clear which results in bettering your company and generating more sales. The benefits of using a CRM are countless:
It keeps leads, appointments in a way the makes it easy to apply the right action - call a client, confirm, dispatch a salesman ETC very easy
It keeps truck on everything a user is doing and makes every activity in the company visible for easy inspection and evaluation.
Keep record of phone calls, and make recording of each call available for listening.
Alerting business owners and managers about actions that need to be taken.
Showing for each day, for each department the leads that came in and got out, by who, when and where they came or went to.
Keeps a history of every change made to a lead or project with it, allowing you to inspect activity with a single click.
Offering several wall boards that show the status of different aspects, like leads, sales persons performances ETC.